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Jackson could feel the blood creeping into his
own face, but Lena s face turned so red, it was
almost purple. Annie, really, such talk, she choked
Annie said, I knew it. I knew it. You got
spanked last night, didn t you? Jackson, did you
give it to her good?
I m going to spank you, if you don t shut up,
Lena said, but that hand of hers betrayed her, as it
moved to cup her right bottom cheek, the side he
knew had taken the tip of the cane. Her cheek must
hurt like a bitch, the way she kept massaging it.
He stifled his smile.
Don t bother. Ricky will, later. Won t you,
Annie fluttered her eyelashes at her boyfriend,
and the young man said, Darned straight. With one
of those thin tree branches, too. I know they sting.
I think we should all stop talking and eat,
before it gets cold, Jackson said.
After shooting him a glance full of thanks, Lena
said, He s right. Let s eat.
Lena didn t like that Jackson had taken control
of her kitchen. She d been biting her tongue all
morning every time he issued anything resembling
an order. But she had to admit the four of them
made a good team. Jackson knew what he was
doing. His orders were not imperious whims, but
solid direction born of experience.
And his lunch delighted her. She d never been a
big fan of scallops, but these tasted heavenly.
Forcing herself to eat slowly to enjoy them more,
she finished last. The others waited for her before
moving on to the cheesecake and strawberries. At
the first bite of cheesecake, all of them uttered a
spontaneous, Mmm!
Wow, I could die happy after eating this. Annie
pretended to swoon. It s the best I ve ever eaten.
Lena shot her a glance that could cut steel.
Annie shrugged. Sorry, sis, but it is. Jackson, did
you make it?
Shaking his head, he said, It s from a tiny
bakery in Holden. Her cheesecakes are better than
anything I ve ever managed to create. Lena, you
might want to try her, if only to check out your
Pushing her plate of cheesecake away, Lena
grumbled, Just what I need. Another person
competing with me in the baked-goods
Aw, don t stop eating your dessert because of
that. We can t make every single thing we sell be
perfect. Besides, you know no one can top your
Mocha Coconut Cake, Annie said.
Wait a minute. That s my cake, Jackson
teased, ducking Lena s swipe at his head.
Looking from one to the other, Annie said, So
that s what you were fighting about? The cake? Sis,
I d never have believed you d actually shove food in
someone s face if I hadn t seen the end result
Lena smiled, leaning back in her chair. I used
to supply cakes to Jackson s old business partner
through another business name. I never knew I was
selling cake to Yankee Elegance, and he didn t know
he was buying from SweetKakes.
My ex-fiancee lied, saying she d created the
cake, Jackson said. So I considered the recipe
mine. Lena considered it hers because, well, it is.
We got a little carried away with our argument.
Jackson laughed.
Anyway, that s over now. He acknowledges that
I own the recipe.
Lena, no one can top that cake. You re a
talented baker, Jackson said. Back to the
cheesecake. Do you want the supplier s name? If
your business is going to grow, either you re going
to have to hire people to help you, or you re going
to have to use subcontractors. Even you can t do
every single thing in the world.
I guess you re right, Lena said. I just hate
losing the, the
Control? Jackson asked. Of course. So do I.
But don t you look forward to the day when you
don t have to count every penny twice? When you
can take a vacation? When you can retire? Believe
me, some day you will want to retire, or at least not
work long hours, six or seven days a week, the way
you do now. Plus, every business needs to grow
otherwise, it dies. I know you don t want that.
Lena inclined her head. I ll think about it. In the
meantime, yes, I would like the name of your
cheesecake supplier. Do they freeze well?
I pulled these slices out of the freezer last night
and defrosted them in the refrigerator. What do you
Tastes freshly-made, she admitted. Okay, I m
sold. I ll buy a couple, freeze them, and use them
on a job to see how well they go over.
Good. They ll make a fabulous midnight snack,
Annie grinned.
I d better not catch you doing that, Lena
scolded while smiling.
Well, shall we broil the scallops for the fair and
assemble everything? Jackson looked from face to
face for agreement. We still need to change into
work duds, too.
Yes. Let s get this show on the road by two,
Lena added, deciding she was comfortable, for the
moment, with Jackson s take-charge demeanor.
You re here at last. I was beginning to worry,
Harold Bradley fussed as Lena and Jackson rolled in
a serving cart piled high with linens, china, and
Annoyed, Lena glanced at her watch. It was only
two-thirty three. Opening her mouth to respond,
Jackson stopped her by touching her shoulder
briefly. We have a one hundred percent reliability
record. We always show up on time. Surely, you
must have known that, or you wouldn t have hired
Yes, of course, but after the other caterer
bailed on me, can you blame me for being
nervous? Bradley s tone grew more civil.
Of course, not, sir. We understand your
position. But you will find out today that we are the
best, and nothing less.
Jackson s tone seemed to soothe Bradley,
despite the boast. Lena watched and learned. She d
never managed to be as diplomatic as he was with
grumpy clients.
The two of them worked efficiently, setting up
the enormous lobby for the food portion of the job
fair. By three-thirty, they were all at their stations.
Jackson and Ricky prepared to circulate with trays
and direct people to the food. Lena, who was using
her cane to walk, stood behind a table, ready to
serve. Annie was near the lobby s entrance in a
chair with her leg propped up, chatting and joking
with the early arrivals. Bradley came over to Lena.
I was dubious about your using an employee with a
broken leg, but she is charming everyone. A
wonderful young woman, despite her purple hair.
Who is she?
Lena couldn t help beaming with pride. My
sister and business partner, Annie Korhonen.
Bradley popped a scallop in his mouth, smacking
his lips. The food s scrumptious and looks like it
cost a mint. Considering your recent tragedy, I m
even more impressed. So, it was your sister who
was trapped in the van?
Yes, sir. And thank you for the compliments. As
Jackson said, we are the best.
You two should consider merging your
businesses. I take it Sunday s animosities are over?
Very good. Bradley walked away without waiting
for an answer.
Merge their businesses? She sort of liked
Jackson, but she could never give up control of her
successful business, the result of years of hard
work. Shrugging off the idea, she smiled and served
the job fair attendees passing by her station.
The hours passed. UniMed s lobby hummed with
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