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intelligence. And some thinkers give a name to that selfawareness: they call
it soul."
"I follow so far," Korkal said.
"Good. So the. patterns of intelligence are created by the growth and change
within the physical brain. The arrangements of the atoms that make up the
brain. Now what if those patterns could somehow be impressed, not in cells
and neurons and chromosomes but onto the fabric of space-time itself?"
"Huh?" said Serena Half Moon. "That sounds impossible."
Jim shook his head. "No, maybe not. All matter affects and time to some
extent. The bigger the matter--say, a erally the bigger the effect. But it
isn't size that really counts density. The denser the matter, the more effect
it has on And according to a classical scientist named Robert curvature of
space induced by an atomic nucleus near its is fifteen trillion times greater
than the curvature of space by the mass of Terra herself. So it is possible,
if that pattern is already imprinted on space-time could be somehow after the
destruction of the brain, then intelligence could to exist. And it would be
an immortal intelligence."
"That sounds crazy to me," Korkal said.
"Oh, there are problems. Without the physical brain to atoms in its former
arrangements, the ethereal pattern to drift. After all, the electrical and
nuclear forces at work atomic level are much stronger than the space-curvature
Eventually those should be sufficient to destroy the pattern But as I said, if
there is some way to maintain the integrity, then you might end up with
something like Outsider.*
Serena and Korkal glanced at each other, and Jim knew it was too far a reach
for them. He might make them understand tually, but there was so little time
left. He turned to Hith Alter.
Hith sighed. "Jim, I'm no scientist. I can't say I everything you've just
said, but I understand one Outsider does exist. There was another set of
power flows occurred when you went into the arrays. So if this is your guess
as to what is happening, I will accept it. Which brings the next question:
what does this Outsider want? Why want to negotiate with us?"
Jim felt a cool wash of relief. Hith might not understand thing, but he
understood enough. "It wants what all wants, Hith. It wants to survive.
That was the pattern I saw
I faced Outsider: it sees a threat to its survival, and it wants.l eliminate
that threat. My guess is Outsider sees a larger than merely the arrival of
the Hunzzan fleet. It may regard entire galaxy as a threat. It is incredibly
dangerous, Packlord. it has a weakness, and
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I think I know what it is."
"Then you'd better let the rest of us in on it, don't you Hith replied.
Jim once again felt the leaden weight of his own destiny pulling at him,
tugging him out of shape. He couldn't understand why he felt so frightened.
What was the worst thing that could happen? He might die.
But you could only die once. Or could you?
"Actually, I think Outsider has two weaknesses--and one of them it doesn't yet
really understand. It may not know anything about it at all."
"Oh? And what might that be?"
"A dead woman named Kate. And me," Jim said.
hargos the Hunter stares at his screens, lost in thought. His ship, cloaked
in technological shadows, ghosts silently in the midst of a clump of Terran
freighters that circle the planet below like peaceful herds of sheep. He is
the wolf within their midst, sharp of fang and bloody of claw, and hungrier
than he's ever been before.
The Albagens Pride proceeds majestically outward, a vast bel low of
communications and signals and emanations. His own ship is physically within
the mysterious cone of data space that includes both Terra, the
Pr/de, and everything between them. His instincts tell him this data space is
the most important thing; if it can be somehow disrupted at a critical moment,
then nothing will stand before the sure destruction of
Sol System by the weapons of the gathering Hunzzan fleets. He knows when the
first of those fleets will arrive. It will be sooner than the
Albans or Terries imagine. But he still has a little time to do what he can.
Beyond his ship but very close, the makeshift satellite, one of two, proceeds
in silent orbit. It is about half a mile in diameter and crude as most Terrie
work. They have been fools not to from any wolves that might be lurking
Carefully, thoughtfully, he begins.
Jim and Hith faced each other alone in Hith's quarters cinnamon cup was cold
and empty, but he didn't seem to Jim thought the pack lord looked as if he'd
aged several the past few hours. Something about what had
Outsider seemed to have shaken him in a way Jim didn't stand .... "I
have formally named you my emissary to this... Hith said softly. "That means
you speak for all of Alba, Terra. It is a great responsibility.
Frankly, I wouldn't your shoulders if I had any other choice."
"Yes, I understand."
"Good. Now here is one other thing. The mere something like the
Outsider frightens me very much. I admit this to you in private, and I
hope you will respect vacy. And though I don't want to place any more
stress than necessary, I have to tell you this."
"What, Hith?"
"If you cannot reach an accommodation that allows us trol the relays.."
well. You remember I once told you I sacrifice Alba's soul to save her
Jim felt the skin on his belly begin to creep. "I remember." "If those
relays aren't in our hands by the time you
negotiating, I will destroy them myself. I will give the order to smash the
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controller machines, and I will order the Albagens Pr/de and all of Alba's
other forces out of Sol System. I will leave your system to the Hunzza and
their sun-poppers."
"But why, Hith?"
The pack lord shook his head. "I can't tell you, Jim. I bear you and your
people no ill will, but I will do what I say. I'm sorry, but I
will have to."
'rhank you for the extra help, Packlord."
Hith sighed heavily. "I know, Jim. I know. Good luck to you. I also mean
that, from the very bottom of my heart."
Jim stood. They shook hands, that curiously human gesture. Hith watched him
leave the room, and when he was alone he sat and stared at nothing.
Leaper culture. Something like this immortal Outsider Is this how it begins?
Should he have given the Terries even this much of a chance?
He looked down at the empty cup in his hand and saw that it was trembling. He
felt so very, very old.
He had been careful and it had gone more easily than Thargos had expected.
Security was dreadfully lax. He'd placed a team of Hunzzan marines aboard,
landing them from a ship that identified itself with codes that said it was a
Terran supply barge bringing a load of roast beef and replacement bio chips
The shocked Terrans, looking forward to good steak dinners, had not been
prepared for two hundred battle-hardened and heavily armed Hunzzan troopers.
It had taken precisely fourteen
minutes from the initial penetration to the final takeover satellite.
The comm techs on the satellite had managed one. of warning, but
Thargos had been ready for that, and with ease.
Now he stood in the control room of the satellite, the terror in the eyes of
the human techs who stared at him he'd risen suddenly from the depths of their
strange hell.
One of his officers came up and said without preamble: Terrie nuke is em
placed sir." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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