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was took a big weight off of his shoulders. It also gave him a little hope for himself as well but
he didn t want to become too elated. There were still more tests that needed to be ran on him. He
looked over at Andrew. I m happy to hear you guys are okay.
Andrew smiled. So am I.
Karen reached out and took his hand in hers. You will be okay as well. I know you will. We all
Andrew leaned back and pushed his plate away and leaned back. So, how are things going
between you and Ashley?
Everyone s head snapped up and Andrew groaned. Uh-oh. Did I say something I wasn t
supposed to say?
Chris sighed heavily. This had been bound to happen sooner or later. He might as well face the
music. No, not really.
Andrew relaxed. Oh, okay. So how is it going between you and Ashley?
Virginia put down her fork. Yes, son, how is it going between you and Ashley, and why is this
the first I ve heard of this?
Well to be honest, I m pursuing Ashley relentlessly to no avail and I didn t tell you, mom,
because I didn t, and still don t, want you to meddle.
Virginia gave her son an indignant look. I don t meddle.
At everyone s disagreement, Virginia folded her arms and attempted to pout before reneging.
Okay, maybe I meddle a little.
Chris gave his mother an amused look. Try a lot.
Everyone turned to look at Benjamin when his sharp crack of laughter echoed around the dining
room. Meddling or not, I say good choice, son. I like Ashley. She is a lovely woman and just
what you need.
She s very intelligent and talented as well.
Chris glanced over at his mother as she spoke. Glancing down at his plate, he had no idea what
to do or say. He was pursuing Ashley adamantly but she hadn t budged and he agreed with his
parents. She was a very lovely and intelligent person and she was definitely what he wanted to
complete his life. He wondered what he would have done back in high school if he had known
that Ashley had been interested in him. Probably the same thing that he had done when he hadn t
known, due to the age that he would have been at the time. The most important thing he had to
worry about was convincing Ashley to take a chance on them now. Glancing up at his mother, he
needed a woman s point of view. His mother and Karen were definitely the people who would be
willing to give him advice.
What can I do to get Ashley to take a chance on us?
What is it, big brother? Are the dark blues not enough for you? Andrew questioned with a
Before Chris could reply, Karen elbowed Andrew in the ribs. Hush up. If you remember
correctly, your dark blues weren t enough, either.
Chris snickered remembering how hard Karen had made it for Andrew to snag her and prayed
that Ashley didn t put him through that torture even though she was coming close.
Karen gave him a warm smile. You have to use a little reverse psychology. Make her see that
you two getting together is the best thing that could ever happen. Show her how good things can
be if she gives in to temptation but, most importantly, show her that this is her idea.
Virginia nodded. I agree. In the end, I ended up being the one who had to convince your father
that I was the one for him.
Everyone looked up in surprise. Chris expressed his surprise out loud. What?
Virginia launched into the story of her courtship with Benjamin. I moved to San Angelo from
Abilene, Texas with my parents and siblings. I met your father our junior year in high school. It
was love at first sight, at least on my end. I was infatuated with your father but there wasn t the
same amount of enthusiasm on his end. He hadn t wanted to get involved with a city girl who
would more than likely break his heart.
Virginia paused, reaching for her glass of tea. Chris stared at his mother in shock. How did you
manage to convince dad that he should take a chance on you?
Virginia smiled. A little reverse psychology, as Karen so nicely put it. See, your father told me
he wasn t interested so I cut my losses and started dating other people.
Chris frowned. But if that is the case, how did you guys get together?
Benjamin spoke up. I came to my senses. When I saw how many other men had been interested
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