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weeks. If you re depressed, you might describe yourself as being down
in the dumps, discouraged, hopeless, sad, or trapped (such as in a bad job
or relationship). Doctors use standardized questionnaires to help score
the seriousness of a patient s depression, usually rating it as mild, mod-
erate, or major (severe). Dysthymia is a mild form of depression, but one
that has lasted for at least two years. Major depression is extremely seri-
ous, is difficult to treat, and often involves thoughts about death or sui-
cide. Irritability, constant anger, and angry outbursts may also be signs
of depression.
What You Should Know
Depression is characterized by several qualities, some of which might
strike you as being obvious and others that indirectly point to the disor-
der. Among these qualities are
" Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and pessimism, as well as a lack
of motivation, most of the day and almost every day
" Significantly reduced interest or pleasure in activities that were pre-
viously enjoyable
" Feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem
" A sense of guilt
" Fatigue, lack of energy, or sluggishness
" Significant weight gain or weight loss (when not dieting)
" Sleep disturbances, particularly insomnia or lack of restful sleep
" Irritability, worry, anger, or agitation
" Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
" Thinking about or fantasizing about death or suicide
Doctors usually diagnose major depression when at least several
of the previous qualities are present. In general, women are far more
likely than men to feel depressed. Drug therapies and counseling have
limited benefits for both men and women. One-third of patients recover
through such therapies, and another third continue to have at least some
symptoms. The remaining third don t benefit at all from medications or
Why do conventional therapies produce such dismal results in
depression? They fail to correct underlying nutritional and biochemical
problems. For example, a drug that maintains high brain levels of sero-
tonin can work only if a patient is capable of making adequate amounts
of the neurotransmitter. Serotonin production depends on protein and
vitamin intake, so eating more protein and vegetables (and fewer sugars
and refined carbohydrates) is essential for improving moods.
Sometimes the psychosocial aspects of a person s life can create a
feeling of utter hopelessness, leading to profound depression. That was
the case with Ruth, a devout Catholic who married young and was in an
abusive marriage for more than twenty years. With two small boys to
care for, she saw no way out of the marriage short of hell, excommuni-
cation, or suicide. Because of her predicament, she became an alcoholic
and even attempted suicide. On her own, she began to piece together the
 Get aware, get willing, and get with it steps I described earlier. She
came to understand her path in life and how to change it into a more pos-
itive direction. She sought professional help, joined Alcoholics Anony-
mous and stopped drinking, got divorced, and went to college and
earned a degree.
Some people have a genetic predisposition toward developing chronic
depression, especially after experiencing a major life event, such as the
death of a loved one. These genetic tendencies reduce the body s ability
to either make or transport serotonin, although they can often be cor-
rected with B-vitamin or 5-HTP supplementation. (See the supplement
recommendations in the following pages.)
Low thyroid activity might also be a factor in depression, especially
if you are a woman and even more so if you are a woman over forty-five
years of age. Occasionally, thyroid test results will look normal, but the
hormone levels are actually low for you as an individual. Possible clues
to low thyroid activity are a lack of energy and not sweating. If you feel
that low thyroid might be a factor, and the tests look normal, ask your
doctor for a trial prescription of Armour brand thyroid (the most natural
of several thyroid medications). If your depression was related to low
thyroid, you may feel better within hours or days.
Many medications can predispose people to depression. These drugs
include but are not limited to Glucophage and Prilosec, cortisone, estro-
gen, progesterone, diuretics, L-dopa, barbiturates, and amphetamines.
Antidepressant drugs, such as Prozac and Zoloft, can cause a variety of
serious side effects. Some adults and children taking these drugs
become suicidal. Up to one-half of patients taking these drugs suffer
from low sexual libido or performance, a side effect that can be depress-
ing in its own right.
Eating Habits
First, rule out food allergies (discussed in chapter 3). Although dairy-
and wheat-containing foods are the most common allergens, any food
could be problematic. The food you tend to crave the most is a likely
Second, follow the dietary guidelines described in chapter 5, empha-
sizing healthful proteins and a variety of vegetables. Reduce or eliminate
refined sugars and carbohydrates because the blood sugar swings they
engender can affect your mood.
Psychological Tips
Many therapies can help to reduce feelings of depression, and combin-
ing them with dietary changes and nutritional supplements will improve
your chances of recovery.
Redirect your negative self-talk. Depressed people are often very self-
critical. When they make a mistake or fail to finish a task, they whip
themselves with such negative thoughts as,  I can t do anything right or
 What s wrong with me? Change your negative self-talk into some-
thing positive, such as,  I m going to take the time to do this right.
Talk therapies. People who feel depressed may be socially isolated, and
this isolation can actually contribute to feelings of worthlessness. If you
are depressed and have at least one close friend or coworker, ask that
person if you could talk with him or her for an hour or two. Talking will
relieve you of part of your psychological burden, and it will help you to
feel more connected to other people.
Even if you have such a friend, you should also consider professional
counseling. In general, an individual therapist has a greater influence on
your recovery than any particular type of therapy does. That under-
scores the importance of finding a therapist with whom you are comfort-
able (though not necessarily someone who will agree with you all the
time). Many communities offer free counseling to people who cannot
afford it.
That said, two forms of psychotherapy seem to provide the greatest
benefits in easing depression. One is cognitive-behavioral therapy. This
approach coaches patients to recognize and consciously correct thought
patterns that aggravate symptoms of depression. It often involves home-
work assignments, such as being more assertive and acting less victim-
like at work.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy can also help to deprogram a patient s [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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