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stages of familiarity with using ICT and in many
learning contexts there may be no access to such
resources. However, given the increasing role of ICT
in everyday life, and its many advantages in
increasing motivation and self-esteem, it should be
exploited as a resource and an area for skills
development where possible.
viii ESOL L2 Teacher s Notes Introduction
Index to curriculum objectives
Speaking and listening
Skill Skill code Unit Page
Use stress and intonation to convey Sc/L2.1a 1 8
meaning and nuances of meaning clearly 2 4
Articulate the sounds of English in Sc/L2.1b *
connected speech
Use formal language and register Sc/L2.1c 3 10, 12
where appropriate
Respond to criticism and criticise Sc/L2.2a 3 7, 10
Make requests Sc/L2.3a 3 12
Ask for information Sc/L2.3b 1 7
Express statements of fact Sc/L2.4a 3 6
Give factual accounts Sc/L2.4b 1 4, 11
3 5, 6
Narrate events in the past Sc/L2.4c
Give explanations and instructions Sc/L2.4d 2 4
3 6, 12
Give a formal report Sc/L2.4e
Describe and compare Sc/L2.4f 2 12
Present information and ideas in a Sc/L2.5a 1 4, 8, 10
logical sequence and provide further 3 12
detail and development to clarify or
confirm understanding
Make relevant contributions and help Sd/L2.1a 1 10, 11
to move discussions forward
Take part in social interaction Sd/L2.2a 1 2
Take part in more formal interaction Sd/L2.2b 2 8
3 7, 10
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 1 7, 10, 11
2 2, 8
Persuade, warn, rebuke, etc. Sd/L2.2d
Use appropriate phrases for interruption Sd/L2.3a 2 8
and change of topic
vSupport opinions and arguments Sd/L2.4a 1 10
with evidence 2 8, 12
Use strategies intended to reassure, Sd/L2.5a 3 10
e.g. body language and appropriate
Extract information from extended Lr/L2.1a 1 7, 8
texts in a non-face-to-face context, 2 4
e.g. radio, presentations
ESOL L2 Teacher s Notes Introduction ix
Extract information from extended Lr/L2.1b 3 4
explanations face-to-face or on the
telephone, and respond
Listen to a narrative or conversation Lr/L2.2a 1 2
Listen and respond, adapting to Lr/L2.2b 2 8
speaker, medium and context 3 10
Understand spoken instructions Lr/L2.2c 3 12
Listen for grammatical detail Lr/L2.2d 1 2, 8
2 4, 8
3 5, 6
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 1 8
Respond to detailed or extended Lr/L2.3a 1 8
questions on a range of topics 3 5
Follow and participate in a discussion Lr/L2.4a 1 2, 10
or conversation
Recognise features of spoken language Lr/L2.4b 2 4
Reading and writing
Skill Skill code Unit Page
Understand and identify the different Rt/L2.1a 1 10
ways in which meaning is built up in 2 6
a range of paragraphed texts of varying 3 11
Identify the purposes of a wide range Rt/L2.2a 2 10
of texts, whether inferred or explicitly
Identify the main points and specific Rt/L2.3a 1 4, 10, 12
detail as they occur in a range of 3 8
different types of text of varying
length and detail
Understand and identify how written Rt/L2.4a 1 12
arguments are structured 3 2
Read critically to evaluate information, Rt/L2.5a 1 4
and compare information, ideas and 2 2, 12
opinions from different sources 3 8, 12
Use organisational features and systems Rt/L2.6a 1
to locate texts and information 2 6
Use different reading strategies to find Rt/L2.7a 1 10
and obtain information, e.g. skimming, 2 10, 12
scanning, detailed reading 3 2, 12
Summarise information from longer Rt/L2.8a *
Use implicit and explicit grammatical Rs/L2.1a 1 6
knowledge, alongside own knowledge 2 2, 6, 12
and experience of context, to help follow 3 12
meaning and judge the purpose of
different types of text
x ESOL L2 Teacher s Notes Introduction
Use punctuation to help interpret Rs/L2.2a 3
meaning and purpose of texts
Read and understand technical Rw/L2.1a 2 2
Use reference material to find the Rw/L2.2a *
meaning of unfamiliar words
Recognise and understand vocabulary Rw/L2.3a 2 10
associated with texts of different levels 3 11
of accessibility, formality, complexity,
and of different purpose
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L2.1a 1 12
Make notes as part of the planning Wt/L2.1b 1 10, 11
Select the level of detail to include in Wt/L2.2a 1 12
a range of texts and how much to write
Select the level of detail to include Wt/L2.2b 2 12
in summaries 3 12
Choose between different types of Wt/L2.3a 1 12
paragraph structure and the linguistic 2 12
features that aid sequencing and 3 12
Choose format and structure to Wt/L2.4a 2 10
organise writing for different purposes 3 11, 12
Choose formal and informal language Wt/L2.5aq 1 6, 13
appropriate to purpose and audience 2 4, 10
Choose different styles of writing for Wt/L2.6a 1 6
different purposes 2 10
Complete forms with complex features Wt/L2.7a *
Use proof-reading to revise writing for Wt/L2.8 a *
accuracy, meaning, content and
expression on paper and on screen
Use a range of sentence structure Ws/L2.1a 1 6, 12
which is fit for purpose 2 4
Use sentence grammar consistently Ws/L2.2a 1 6, 12
and with accuracy
Use pronouns to lessen repetition Ws/L2.3a 3 2
and improve the clarity of writing
Use a range of punctuation to achieve Ws/L2.4a 3 8
clarity in simple and complex sentences
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to Ww/L2.1a *
aid accurate spelling
Develop strategies to aid accurate Ww/L2.1b *
Produce clear, consistent handwriting Ww/L2.2a *
*Curriculum objective not explicitly taught at this level
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