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exclaimed,  Datura flower! Why something so exotic? Then she paused and added,
 Oh, wait. I see. Whoever did this wanted just enough datura in the nurse s milk to
poison the boys, but was inexpert enough to make it too strong. It killed the nurse
rather horribly before she fed them.
Bala folded her arms and whispered to Pythia and Hati.  It will soon be all over the
Palace. Whoever did this will know they failed. I have some suggestions, but I prefer to
do it in secret. I will clear the room and have the guards take the nurse for honorable
services. I will also try to hunt up a replacement. We will need one and the night nurse
cannot serve a double duty. I suggest you call in your Privy Council to the small
audience chamber, Hati. Cancel the morning audience.
 Anyone who doesn t understand can piss up a rope, Hati said pithily.
Pythia merely nodded agreement and clutched her son close.  Let s get them
changed and comfortable. They can come with us to the Privy Council. She snatched
up two sets of swaddling clothes and marched out the door toward the Royal
Hati lingered for just a moment to whisper to Bala,  See if the litter can be sent for
The Mother. I have a feeling we ll need the words of the sisterhood. At Bala s nod, Hati
turned and followed Pythia.
* * * * *
Days, later, Hati and Pythia wept silent tears as their sons were taken in a huge,
well-guarded caravan to the luxurious Malgatta Palace. It was decided to follow ancient
tradition a little early, and send all the royal children to Malgatta until they reached an
age to begin learning statecraft. There, in a small, isolated palace, they were guarded
more effectively.
 Tell me again about Malgatta, sobbed Pythia.
Hati sniffed back tears and took a deep breath. Taking Pythia s hand, she tugged
until Pythia turned her eyes from the receding caravan and began to lead her back
inside.  It s really very lovely there, she began.  I remember visiting on holy days even
after I became a God s Wife. It s right on the banks of the Nile, with fountains and
gardens meant for children s play. My ancestors built it as the family compound. The
tiles and wall paintings are stunning in their beauty. Isian and Moses will fish and hunt
Lena Austin
when they get older. There is even a small arena to learn weapons play, and ride small
toy chariots using dogs to pull them.
Pythia laughed weakly,  I can almost see that. What a come down for those fine
hunting dogs! To pull toy chariots!
Hand-in-hand, they made their way back to the Royal apartments. Pythia made her
excuses, and fled back to her room, sniffling. Hati stepped inside the east Queen s
apartment, intending to take a shortcut, but turned to ask Pythia to join her for lunch.
She stopped when she saw a scar-faced but still young guard stuff flowers behind his
back before he followed Pythia into her quarters.
Hati was touched.  How sweet, she murmured.
One of her guards made bold to speak,  That s Lieutenant Sheshi, Divine One. He
can do no harm to Lady Pythia. He was eunuched in battle, same as Captain Hor-heb.
He has favored Lady Pythia since he aided her in birthing Prince Isian. He hesitated,
and Hati read the reluctance in him to suggest it, but he added,  Should we stop him,
Hati pondered for a moment. Pythia had done her duty to the gods and Egypt by
producing her son. She was under no obligation to produce more.  Definitely not, Hati
replied firmly.  In fact, let him know discreetly that he has my permission to pay court
to Lady Pythia. He s a distant cousin of mine, is he not? If he was noble, then all was
 Extremely distant, Divine One, but worthy in rank to her. The guard s tone was
 Very well. Shutting herself in her own apartment, Hati tried very hard not to be
envious of Pythia s comfort in the arms of a noble guard.
Miw rose from his place on her bed, and gave a luxurious stretch. Sitting on the
golden chairs that Mo had once teased her about Hati was consumed by loneliness.
Even Miw was no help when he jumped in her lap to demand a stroking.
 Oh, Miw, I am so lonely. It was pitiful that all she had for companionship was a
cat that rarely spoke.  Oh, let s face it, I am eaten up with envy. Pythia has someone to
comfort her when she cries for her son. I do not have anyone, only people who want [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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