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Colonel FADEIKIN We report on the situation in Berlin in the GDR at 12
19 June 1953 o clock, Berlin time, June 20.
The situation in the GDR and in East Berlin is
[Source: AGSh, f. 16, op. 3139, d. 155, ll. 217-222. Provided and generally peaceful. The partial strikes which took place at
translated by Viktor Gobarev] night in the cities of Staßfurt, Halberstadt and in the
Stralsund shipyard have ceased. In the morning, provoca-
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tive elements managed to conduct short meetings and
strikes at the railway car repair factory in the city of
Report from A. Grechko and Tarasov
Halberstadt, in the Helsford shipyard (Rostock district), at
to N. A. Bulganin,
the medicine factory in the city of Wernigerode
20 June 1953, 11:40 a.m.
(Magdeburg district). In addition, demands for the
liberation of the arrested ring-leaders of the disturbances
have surfaced. The strikes which began yesterday at
several small enterprises in the city of Ilsenburg in the
region of Magdeburg (about 2,500 workers in all) are
Top Secret (Declassified)
To Comrade N.A. BULGANIN
From the villages we are informed that among many
I am reporting on the situation in the GDR and
workers who took part in the strikes of June 17-18, a
Berlin at 10.00 a.m.(Moscow time), 20 June 1953
sobering-up is taking place. These workers are stating
1. No riots were observed in Berlin and the GDR last
regrets about the disturbances which arose and are
distancing themselves from the provocateurs. But at the
2. Enterprises in Berlin have resumed their routine
same time they often state that the discontent of the
operations since the morning of 20 June. There is still a
workers should not be mixed with the actions of provoca-
pocket of strike movement in Magdeburg, where some
teurs, as, allegedly, the government of the GDR is doing.
enterprises have not resumed their operations yet. For
A leading article written by us and published in
instance, the workers of Electric Motor Plant in
today s Neues Deutschland provides the necessary
Wernigerode have entered the grounds of the plant but
orientation on this issue.
have not resumed their work. Moreover, the night and
According to the SED agitators, a majority of the
morning shifts at some plants and factories have not
Berlin workers with whom they spoke have a negative
resumed their work in the following towns: Staßfurt (a
opinion of the actions of the provocateurs, but some of
plant), Halberstadt (furniture factory) and Ilsenburg
them are still pleased that the demonstration occurred. A The strikes and demonstrations in the GDR from 17 to
readiness to work off the time lost because of the strikes is 19 June 1953 had been prepared beforehand by the so-
universally voiced. called Center of Strike Movement located in West Berlin
The workers who did not take part in the strikes and bore an organized and openly anti-government
sharply condemn the strikers and demand severe punish- character. This is confirmed by the fact that the riots were
ment for the provocateurs. In many enterprises the simultaneously taking place in 95 cities and towns.
workers adopt resolutions which express trust in the The major centers of strikes and demonstrations were
government of the GDR and state the necessity of raising Berlin, Magdeburg, Leipzig, Halle, and Erfurt.
vigilance. In all, there were the following number of strikers in
Mass purchases of produce by the population, as was the GDR:
evident on June 16-17, is not observed. In a numbers of on 17 June - 132,169, including 81,000 in Berlin;
cities a certain increase in withdrawals from savings banks on 18 June - 218,700, including 20,000 in Berlin;
can be noted. The payment of money from accounts is on 19 June - 46,884, (there were no strikers in Berlin).
taking place without restrictions. In all, there was the following number of demonstra-
A series of cases has been noted in which provoca- tors:
teurs agitate among the workers to the effect that the on 17 June - 269,460, including 66,000 in Berlin;
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