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type of two-person resistance drill. These drills will isolate the hip movement that is involved in a particular strike,
allowing the student to make corrections to increase his power. The next step is to do the same strikes with a
partner but this time the full range of motion for the strike is used. The person doing the strike performs at half
speed and always stays in contact with his partner. The person doing the resisting allows the strike to reach its' full
extension while applying constant resistance.
This drill permits the students to incorporate the improved body mechanics developed from the first drill,
with the strike in its' proper form. Finally, the strikes should be performed at full speed against a shied or heavy
bag so that the students can feel the improvements.
Hip training is also required for successful throwing. Most throws involve the use of the hips, but
inexperienced students tend to compensate for improper hip usage with increased upper body strength. This
presents a serious problem when there is a large weight difference between partners. To drill correct hip usage in
full body throws, students are instructed to execute throws with no upper body strength. Whatever grabbing is
involved is done in a very relaxed fashion. Arm strength is not used and the throws are performed using only the
hips, with the arms only guiding the partner. This exaggerated use of the hips will focus the student's attention
onto the body mechanics involved. Once the body mechanics are learned, a second drill can be used to strengthen
the hip movements. Have one student stand behind another, draping his arms over the other's shoulders. A third
student will attempt to throw the first two students. The added weight and unbalanced nature of having one
student hanging off the other makes this throw very difficult and emphasizes that proper hip movement must be
used instead of upper body strength. When the throw is executed, only the rear student actually falls to the
ground. The person doing the throwing will maintain a grip on the front student so that he doesn't land on top of
his partner. This exercise works well with throws that involve a forward motion such as hip throws, neck throws,
etc.. Throws that involve the attacker falling backwards should not be attempted.
A resistance training idea for martial artists
Start with 2 pound weights in each hand. What I mean is, go and buy a set of those adjustable dumbbell bars, that
weigh 2 pounds, as well as 4 1 lb. disks-1.25 or 1.5 lbs. will do as well, or a 2 5 lb. Regular weights-4 2.5 lbs.
disks, 4 Fivers, and 4 Tenners.
Perform 3 sets of your hand techniques for your art. That means 3 3-minute rounds of shadowboxing, with a
regular jab cross, hook hook, uppercut uppercut rhythm, with 1 minute breaks, or 60 TKD punches, 60
hammerfists, 60 high blocks, 60 downward elbow strikes, 60 ridgehands, and 60 inward knifehand strikes. Note
that there are many more hand techniques in TKD, but once you've done all those, you can combine them for the
other techniques, hammerfist and downward elbow strike for a low block, for example. Then, when that becomes
easy enough to do, perform 4 sets. A fourth round, sets of 80, etc. Then 5 sets. Then, GO BACK TO THREE, AND
ADD WEIGHT. So now, you're practicing your hand techniques with 4-5 lb. weights. Build up to 5, then go back to
three, with 7 lbs. 12 lbs. 17 lbs. 22 lbs.
First of all, with that kind of weight, you'll be damaging your joints. Second of all, by halting the motion before fully
you strengthen your antagonist muscles, giving them the strength to halt the powerful motion. This develops both
pulling and pushing muscles. (Both are important for Wing Chun all forward motions need pushing or extending
muscles, like the triceps, and pulling muscles, like biceps, are good for lop sao and returning hand techniques.)
Second of all, don't worry about what happens to your appearance. As long as the muscles are functional, it
doesn't matter whether you look like Conan, with big muscles, or Spiderman, with wiry muscles.
Third, if the hand technique for your style requires a posture other than a fist, try to accommodate as possible. I
use a closed fist for the inward knife hand strike. For ridgehand, an example would be to use a grip rather like that
of a saber, which ends up giving an extra workout to the thumb and palm muscles.
I suggest you all try out this for your training. I have little doubt that it will greatly improve your abilities. I should
note however-It's VERY intense. You'll find that being able to last through this kind of workout will greatly improve
your tolerance for pain and difficulty.
(********I honestly think this might be a good idea, but it would be better to use this with resistance bands. That
doesn t use momentum to keep the limb moving beyond the initial impetus. It also works the stabilizer muscles,
which adds to power and cleanliness of technique. This would probably work with techniques and forms
Well, there it is. The 1st edition of my compilation of exercises. I hope you enjoyed reading
it and get something out of it. I put a lot of work into it, darn it! LOL.
I m still learning about a lot of this stuff. As I write this, I m in moderate shape. I m working
on getting better. I hope that all this stuff that I ve accumulated will be of help to others,
and that it will help me and others to get into superb shape.
Any new exercise or routines, suggestions, comments, or criticisms should be sent to
I hope you all enjoy this. Some good links for things like this are (and good places to get
more info on Wing Chun, working out, etc)
http //members.aol.com/sidaijoey
my website feel free to look around, sign the guestbook, etc.
http //www.actionmarartmag.com
my Sifu s website
http //www.jasonlau-wingchun.com
my Si Gung (Grandmaster s website)
http //www.Mixedmartialarts.com
go to the Underground Forum.
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